Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's likely that you're going to read this eventually.
If you are, then WIFE ME ALREADY!

Now that that's out of the way. Seen Watchmen yet? I really loved the graphic novel (will be referred to as comic from here on in). I won't act like I'm all cool and off the bandwagon. I bought the comic after I saw the trailer for the movie. 

I'm not that far ahead of the crowd. Not to say I'm not ahead of the crowd. I already have the new Metric album.


Did you know that the comic is completely symmetrical?  From the two centre pages, every opposite page moving outwards has the same panel scheme. Really hard to explain, but look it up. The idea is it's supposed to match the Rorschach mask that changes in every panel.

 I really am totally into nuclear holocaust these days.

Fallout 3 is really forcing me to question my sense of morality. It's a crazy world out there. What part do you play. Do you ever wonder if anything you do in your life will ever make a difference?

Ever have existential crises? I'm kind of into that these days too. I wonder what my direct environment would be like if I didn't exist. Probably a lot less spicy. What would the world be without the interwebs? I'd probably be tucked into bed right now. Or be watching TV with Ma Dukes. 

I've retired from doing homework. I just look at clothes online that I would like to purchase but can't afford. I had insufficient funds in Wendy's today...
I'm really a lot less impressive of an individual than I had once been led to believe.

Seriously though. Wife me. 

You know who you are.