I should probably stop talking, well it would be hard to communicate without talking so cancel that idea. I guess what I’m trying to say is I should stop being so devilishly charming and coy. Why would I want to stop doing that? Because sometimes there are people you just do not want to think of you as devilishly charming and coy. Old woman strolls by my desk and after not recognizing my face exclaims, “How many new people work here?”
Now, I’m not necessarily quick on my feet when it comes to witty remarks so I was pretty embarrassed when the best response I could think of was, ”About a kagillion.”
However, that seemed enough for her to fall in love with me, which is cool, if she was born 30 years later. Or if I was into that whole grandmother tip. In any case giving the current situation it wasn’t cool. She gave me that “O You” look, and followed it up by backtracking to my desk and verbalizing it in a long and most seductive way.
“Ohh, youuuuu.”
Actually, now that I think about it that was the second time me blurting out silly things as work has gotten me feeling very uncomfortable. The first being when my boss told me she needed me to help out in the filing room on Monday because she wouldn’t be there. She said,“I need you to-” and before she could finish her sentence, I chimed in with,
“Boss them around a little bit, throw some muscle around?”
She looked at me for about three full seconds of silence and just said,
“No…interfile the files I won’t be able to.”
Pretty awkward, someone can’t take a joke. But she’s pretty old too, so I don’t really care too much at all.
Anyway, so now I write these at work, because…I can, is what it really boils down to. But I have to be smart about it. It’s like eating. Know when to stop or get fat. Except in this case get fired.
Now, I’m not necessarily quick on my feet when it comes to witty remarks so I was pretty embarrassed when the best response I could think of was, ”About a kagillion.”
However, that seemed enough for her to fall in love with me, which is cool, if she was born 30 years later. Or if I was into that whole grandmother tip. In any case giving the current situation it wasn’t cool. She gave me that “O You” look, and followed it up by backtracking to my desk and verbalizing it in a long and most seductive way.
“Ohh, youuuuu.”
Actually, now that I think about it that was the second time me blurting out silly things as work has gotten me feeling very uncomfortable. The first being when my boss told me she needed me to help out in the filing room on Monday because she wouldn’t be there. She said,“I need you to-” and before she could finish her sentence, I chimed in with,
“Boss them around a little bit, throw some muscle around?”
She looked at me for about three full seconds of silence and just said,
“No…interfile the files I won’t be able to.”
Pretty awkward, someone can’t take a joke. But she’s pretty old too, so I don’t really care too much at all.
Anyway, so now I write these at work, because…I can, is what it really boils down to. But I have to be smart about it. It’s like eating. Know when to stop or get fat. Except in this case get fired.
hahahaha aww halina is the best!!!
hahahaha aww halina is the best!!!
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